The terms and conditions for provision of the service of access to and use of the DoRuky SMS Service (hereinafter the “Terms and Conditions”) by the DoDo Czech s.r.o. Company, Reg. No. 24128848, Tax Reg. No. CZ24128848, with registered office in Pernerova 702/39, Karlín, 186 00 Praha, registered in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, File No. 181207.
These Terms and Conditions determine the rights and duties of parties using the DoDo SMS and Facebook messenger Service (“Users”) and also other related legal relations.
DoDo Czech s.r.o. Operates and uses SMS messages and Facebook messenger (hereinafter the “Communication channels”) to administer the service (“DoDo Service”).
DoDo Czech Ltd. Carries out activities to arrange the User´s business, usually procurement of goods or services (jointly referred to as the “goods”; however goods is not separately sold, acting on the instructions of the User, therefore ensuring the purchase of goods on behalf of the User according to the instructions) in the Capital City of Prague, whereas the serviced territory is specified at and may be subject to changes. The service usually includes delivery of Goods to the User, or a third party specified by the User. The Contract is concluded by unreserved acceptance of a proposal by DoDo Czech s.r.o. (“Confirmation”), usually by means of communication channels.
DoDo Czech s.r.o. does not act as an expert in regard to the provided goods; in the event that expertise is required by the User, DoDo Czech s.r.o. must be informed of this in advance and IL will confirm whether it agrees to arrange such business in the specific case.
The User confirms that it has been acquainted with the current wording of the Terms and Conditions and undertakes to adhere to these on sending an SMS or Facebook message and any other communication by means of the SMS and Facebook messenger Service.
DoDo Czech s.r.o. is not required to arrange any business until the time it expressly undertakes to do so. Before acceptance of confirmation to arrange business, any refusal by DoDo Czech s.r.o. or other negative response, and also failure to provide confirmation, is considered refusal to arrange such business and no contract arises between DoDo Czech s.r.o. and the User.
DoDo Czech s.r.o. is not required to arrange any business and is entitled to withdraw from the contract, effective immediately, if it becomes evident that arrangement of such business is, even potentially, in conflict with the legal regulations (i.e. delivery of alcohol to minors), immoral or otherwise inappropriate, or the User’s actions or instructions contain elements of fraud. DoDo Czech s.r.o. usually arranges business personally, by means of its employees, however it may entrust arrangement of business to a third party, which the User agrees to. DoDo Czech s.r.o. determines a reward for arranging business. This is included in the total price, which the User will always be informed of in advance and will approve before such business begins to be arranged. This total price also includes other costs (i.e. transport, packaging), unless specified otherwise herein.
After arranging the business, DoDo Czech s.r.o. will make the tax document related to the arranged business (invoice for the Goods) available at, whereas the precise address from which the document can be downloaded, usually in pdf format, will be sent to the User by one of communication channels.
With regard to the character of the DoDo Service, which is primarily immediate assurance of Goods, the User asks DoDo Czech s.r.o. to begin providing services immediately by giving confirmation and the User is also aware of and agrees that, from the time of confirmation, it is not entitled to withdraw from arrangement of business.
The User acknowledges and agrees that all communication takes place practically exclusively by means of communication channels.
No other fees are charged to the User in relation to communication with DoDo Czech s.r.o. The User only pays charges according to its operator’s current tariff in case of SMS message.
DoDo Czech s.r.o. does not guarantee uninterrupted access to Communication, or that the Communication will be problem free and secure. DoDo Czech s.r.o. is not liable for potential damages incurred by the User during realisation of Communication, including potential damages incurred when downloading data, damages caused by interruption of operation, malfunction, computer viruses, damages as a result of loss of data, lost profits, unauthorised access to transfers and the User’s data.
DoDo Czech s.r.o. reserves the right to restrict or terminate the User’s access to communication at any time.
Protection of the personal data of Users who are natural persons, is regulated by Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on protection of personal data, as amended.
The User agrees that its personal data, which it gives during registration in the following minimum scope, will be processed: name and surname, residential address, Registration Number, Tax Registration Number, e-mail address, telephone number (hereinafter all referred to as the “Personal Data”).
The User agrees that its personal data will be processed for the purpose of realisation of the rights and duties of DoDo Czech s.r.o. Unless the User chooses another option during the registration process, it also agrees to its personal data being processed for the purpose of sending information about the services provided by DoDo Czech s.r.o. or third parties and sales information.
The User acknowledges that it is required to give its data correctly and truthfully and is required to immediately inform DoDo Czech s.r.o. of any changes to its personal data. DoDo Czech s.r.o. is not liable for potential damages caused by data about the User not being updated. The seller may authorise a third party, as the processor, to process the User’s personal data. The personal data will not be passed on to third parties with the exception of persons assuring transport of Goods. Personal data will be filed for a period of 10 years.
Personal data will be processed electronically by automated methods or in print by non-automated methods. The User confirms that the provided personal data is accurate and that the User has been instructed that this concerns voluntary provision of personal data.
In the event that the User believes that IL has processed its personal data in conflict with the law, or its legitimate interests, it may:
ask DoDo Czech s.r.o. for an explanation, or
ask DoDo Czech s.r.o. to remedy such a situation.
If the User requests information about the processing of its personal data, DoDo Czech s.r.o. is required to provide this information.
The User declares towards DoDo Czech s.r.o. that:
i. it is fully competent to take legal actions, particularly with regard to age or is represented by a legal representative;
ii. all the data it provides to DoDo Czech s.r.o. is true, complete, accurate and correct;
iii. before commencing use of the DoDo Service, the User was acquainted with these Terms and Conditions, and fully understands these Terms and Conditions and agrees with them.
Regardless of the other provisions of these Terms and Conditions, the User undertakes to:
i. refrain from using the DoDo service, if such use would result in breach of legal regulations;
ii. if the User is under 18 years of age, he shall not use the DoDo Service for purposes for which the minimum legal age is 18 years.
The User is entitled to file a complaint against the Goods, either electronically to the address:, or in writing to the registered address of DoDo Czech s.r.o. A document providing confirmation of the provided service must be appended to the complaint.
The User will order delivery of services/goods from DoDo Czech s.r.o. by means of an message. This order must contain the following at least:
a) specification of goods/services
b) required delivery date and place of delivery
c) information about the contact person, if this is not the User, including telephone number.
If the order is not specific enough, DoDo Czech s.r.o. will ask the User to specify. IL will subsequently send the User a proposal containing specification of the goods/services, including price with VAT. The price is due payable on delivery of the goods, in cash or by payment card. After approval by the User, DoDo Czech s.r.o. begins providing the services and delivers the ordered Goods to the required address.
In the event that the Goods cannot be delivered on the specified date, the person delivering the Goods will wait 15 minutes, whereas the User will be sent a message with notification during the interim. DoDo Czech s.r.o. will then store the parcel and inform the User. The User may request repeated delivery for a fee of CZK 100 or may collect the goods on the following business day, at the address of the business premises as published on the website at
If the User fails to request repeated delivery or collect the Goods within 48 hours after the delivery time, DoDo Czech s.r.o. is entitled to cancel the order and charge a cancellation fee of 30% of the price of the Goods including VAT, however a minimum of CZK 100.
DoDo Czech s.r.o. may amend or supplement the wording of the Terms and Conditions unilaterally. DoDo Czech s.r.o. informs the User of changes to the Terms and Conditions on the website at, possibly by using another appropriate method. The Terms and Conditions come into effect on the day following the day they were announced, unless a later date is specified.
All the legal relations arising on the basis of or in relation to the DoDo Service are governed by the legislation of the Czech Republic (particularly the provisions of Section 2430 et seq. of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code), regardless of the place of access to and use of the DoDo Service was realised.
If any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions is or becomes invalid or ineffective, such invalid provisions are replaced with a provision, the purpose of which approximates the invalid provision as closely as possible. The invalidity or ineffectiveness of any provision does not affect the validity and effectiveness of the remaining provisions.
These Terms and Conditions come into force on 1. 2. 2016
In Prague, on 1. 2. 2016
Last updated of business conditions: 1. 10. 2019